Logo Design for Centre Oftalmològic del Maresme

We have redesigned the logo of an ophthalmological center to update it and adapt it to the new times.

Creation of the new logo of Centre Oftalmològic del Maresme

The Centre Oftalmològic del Maresme is at the forefront of ocular health, offering personalized and quality service that puts the vision of its patients at the center of everything. Its mission is clear: to provide a complete range of ophthalmic services ranging from refractive surgery to the treatment of glaucoma and other eye conditions, all using state-of-the-art technology to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.

The logo, the symbol that represents us as a company

The restyling of the Centre Oftalmològic del Maresme logo is the central axis of this project. The logo is not only a visual representation of the brand, but also a powerful communication tool that conveys the values and mission of the company without the need for words.

It is the emblem that customers and the public associate with the quality and commitment of the brand.

With this idea in mind, an update of the logo has been chosen that combines the symbology of the eye with ophthalmic diagnostic technology. The result is an elegant fusion between the image of an eye and a vision review machine, which captures the essence of the Centre Oftalmològic del Maresme's mission: to care for the vision of its patients with the latest technological innovations.

Disseny de logotip a Girona marca branding

Custom logo design for the ophthalmological center

In terms of style and design, a simple and contemporary approach has been sought. Together, it seeks to merge the modernity of visual elements with simplicity, without losing sight of the essence and consolidated reputation of the brand.

The new logo of Centre Oftalmològic del Maresme not only reinforces its visual presence and brand identity, but also clearly communicates its commitment to ocular health and excellence in the provision of ophthalmic services. It is a distinctive representation of the axis of its project.